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Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Blog Revival

So, umm... I'm really bad at keeping my blog updated? Not a very good excuse for a years absense, huh? Okay, okay, I'll admit it. I only remembered it was here because of Ravelry. I need another space to spam with photos and drivel about what I've been up to.

Latest "New Craft" - luceting! I am now a luceteer! :-D I will never use a knitting nancy again. This was picked up at Stitches! at the SECC Glasgow on Saturday. I took along the wooden lucet I got myself in Glasgow (and which, after two whole evenings, I managed to coax a measley 1inch of cord from) and was quickly informed by Ziggy the resident Luceteer that it was too big, designed more for rope than cord. So after taking part in the luceting Make and Take I decided to treat myself to a full Introduction to Luceting set, which had everything I'd need to go into advanced luceting. But right now I'm just enjoying making the pretty cord with the DMC embroidery thread it came with.

For anyone interested in picking up luceting for themselves, Ziggy will be on Create and Craft TV on April 12th. I expect it to be interesting as he's quite the character!


  1. Hello from spittingfurball :-) I got my lucet there too and have not stopped since!

  2. Welcome back to the blogoshpere. I have no idea what lucking is so shall now have to go educate myself!

  3. Finally got myself one and am enjoying the lucet. Really want to get a different one for finer work.

