I'm coming to a close on my therapy. Just three more sessions left. My therapist is very happy with my progress so far and I have to admit I am
too. I'm no longer subconsciously afraid of leaving the house. I'm
going out four or five times a week, at least to Asdas. I'm working on
relying less on my coping mechanisms (I had developed a whole selection
to allow me to shut myself off within my own head at need). I'm
stuttering less, although it becomes really obvious when I'm stressed
still, or faced with a sudden confrontation. My memory lapses are still
continuing, although if I can stay calm I can sometimes work around
them. And between a super-comfy recliner chair we got for me before
Christmas, and my new mobile smartphone (with internet! and Japanese
apps! and all sorts!!!) I'm spending a lot more time downstairs with the
family too. This progress has all been marked by increased shows of
trust from the family (which I don't think they realise they're doing)
like being trusted on my own with Niece3, or being trusted to go pick up
my lil sis when she takes a funny turn.
In six weeks, when I
have my last therapy appointment, I'll be relying more than ever on the
supporting framework of friends and family that I've been working on
coming back into touch with.
RAK3 went off successfully. Technically I'd probably only count it half a RAK since I was selling a spinning wheel to a student in London who wanted very badly to progress from spindle to wheel but had a very limited budget. I had taken in an abused Traddy in early December and fixed it up beautifully. I sold it to her for about half what it would have fetched on ebay. That was the RAK part. I hope she gets a lot of joy from it - I know mine has brought me a whole new chapter of life!
My epilepsy meds are reaching their final dose level. They seem to be working okay. I'm still getting shakes, very very occasional absences, and a single small seizure, but the heavy twitches/jerks have gone, there's been no more big seizures, and the absences are much less frequent.
So all-in-all I think it's been a rather good sequence of improvements.